Brad Pitt has been spotted in Queenstown where he is filming his latest movie. The film follows an ex-Navy Seal and his dog ...
Queenstown is stepping in as the backdrop for Alaska in his latest film project, Heart of the Beast. The movie will tell the ...
日前,布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)被媒体拍到,他正在新西兰皇后镇拍摄最新电影《野兽之心》。照片显示,蓄须的皮特身穿迷彩服,头戴绿色绒帽,他在电影中扮演的是前海豹突击队队员。在这部电影中,皮特饰演的角色和他退役的战犬遭遇灾难性事故后沦落至荒野深处 ...
Hollywood A-list megastar Brad Pitt has been spotted filming his latest blockbuster movie in Queenstown today. A well-bearded Pitt was wearing full camouflage, including a green beanie ...
Hollywood superstar Brad Pitt has flown into Auckland this week, before he sets off for Queenstown and Milford Sound to film an action-survival film, the Herald understands. Sources have told the ...