On Feb. 25, the “ Call Her Daddy ” podcast hosted by Alex Cooper released an interview with Monica Lewinsky, the former White ...
This week on Call Her Daddy Monica Lewinsky spoke with Alex Cooper about her emotional experience navigating a sex scandal ...
This week model Winnie Harlow appeared on Call Her Daddy where she shared the details of her romantic proposal and how the ...
On the show, Winnie Harlow let viewers in on when she and Kuzma first met, how their relationship evolved over time, their recent proposal and more.
Trouble seems to be brewing within the chambers of Alex Cooper’s podcast queendom. The Call Her Daddy host’s Unwell Network—a ...
Shane Byrne had been in an "on and off" relationship with a woman, who noticed that messages between them “started to get ...
American activist and former White House intern Monica Lewinsky revealed on the “Call Her Daddy” podcast Tuesday how she believes President Bill Clinton should have reacted to their affair ...
I know everything.’ I’m so sorry to tell you, you will look back on this time. I feel like, ‘Oh, little 20-year-old me,’” Lewinsky said on the Wednesday, February 26, episode of the “Call Her Daddy” ...
I think that the right way to handle a situation like that would have been to probably say it was nobody’s business and to resign,” she said on the “Call Her Daddy” podcast.