Immerse yourself in the world of parrots: a kaleidoscope of colour in the canopy, a burst of chatter as a flock gathers, and ...
In a new study, published in the Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club and led by a BirdLife scientist, a colourful ...
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The climate and nature crises are a magnifier, escalating and enhancing the issues of gender inequity all over the world.
After three days of long discussions, a breakthrough finally came on the last day of CBD COP16.2 with the adoption of a plan ...
EU Commission proposes ban on lead ammunition and fishing weights, but loopholes remain.
Today, the European Commission proposed a direct amendment of the wolf protection status under the Habitats Directive. This ...
BirdLife is among 29 organisations proposing a more consistent implementation of the ‘Do No Significant Harm’ (DNHS) ...
As Brazil prepares to host COP30, we celebrate 20 years of SAVE Brasil and its dedication to conserving the country’s ...
BirdLife Europe & Central Asia works to conserve birds and biodiversity by focusing on species, sites and habitats, ecological sustainability and engagement of people. Based in Brussels, we are ...
A new study published by the Hellenic Ornithological Society (BirdLife Greece) delivers a stark warning: climate change is rapidly making the treacherous journey of migratory birds even more deadly.