New targets for representation key to environmental justice Greenpeace UK’s office is in London, one of the most diverse, ...
All around the world, women play key roles in Greenpeace campaigns to prevent coal, oil and gas extraction. We’re ...
An investigation by Greenpeace UK reveals today that giant supertrawlers relentlessly continue to catch fish in the UK’s ...
Commenting on the aftermath of the collision between a tanker and a container ship in the North Sea, Dr Paul Johnston from the Greenpeace Research Laboratories, said: “We’re not quite out of the ...
Life Under Water is back for a second season after an incredibly successful first season which won a Bronze Climate award at ...
Greenpeace has expressed serious concerns about the threat to marine life posed by the cargoes and bunker fuel of both the chemical tanker and container ship that collided off the Yorkshire coast ...
Giant supertrawlers are spending thousands of hours fishing in supposedly protected UK waters. This is why we need real ocean protection now.
To protect our independence we won’t take money from companies or governments, so we rely on you for everything we do. Please support us today.
Supertrawlers spent 7,380 hours fishing in UK Marine Protected Areas each year since Brexit An investigation by Greenpeace UK reveals today that giant supertrawlers relentlessly continue to catch fish ...
A key legal test over the right to protest has culminated in an important win at the Court of Appeal today. A judge has today ...