Below normal precipitation compounded with the effects of multiple droughts have experts concerned about this year's ...
Washington state law requires producers of certain plastic products such as beverage containers, trash bags, and household and personal care product containers to meet post-consumer recycled content ...
NextCycle Washington advances recycling and reuse projects for a circular economy. The third cohort of teams just started our ...
Water users affected by the Nooksack adjudication recently recieved post cards telling them their claim forms will be arriving later this month.
Climate change increases wildfire risks through rising temperatures, which reduces winter snowpack, and produces hotter and drier summers. This directly impacts the number and severity of wildfires ...
Phases out the use of copper in vehicle brakes and requires manufacturers to certify that brakes comply with the law. Regulates lead, cadmium, phthalates, and other chemicals in children's products.
Our Industrial Section provides oversight and regulation for air, water, and waste activities for most of Washington's largest industrial facilities. These include refineries, smelters, pulp and paper ...
Dangerous substances can spill to land, water, or air. The sooner a spill is reported, the sooner we can respond. Failure to report a spill you're responsible for could result in penalties.
Every year, 20 billion gallons of oil moves through Washington by vessel, rail, and pipeline, posing significant risk of environmental damage. The risks associated with all modes of oil transportation ...
The Public Trust Doctrine is a legal principle derived from English common law. The Public Trust Doctrine protects public ownership interests in certain uses of navigable waters and underlying lands.
When do you need to secure items in your truck or trailer? Every time you hit the road. Unsecured loads cause over 300 crashes in Washington every year and cause up to 40% of roadside litter — let’s ...
Our mission is to keep Washington waters clean. Use this site to find out if a lake, stream, or marine beach near you is healthy or polluted. Learn about water cleanup plans and how we’re addressing ...