(File image) (KNOX) - Court records indicate that a Former Grand Forks police officer filled a lawsuit against the city, and other officers, alleging gender discrimination. In the civil complaint ...
(KNOX) – An official in Grand Forks Public Schools, is among the finalists for a superintendent’s position outside Duluth, ...
( By: Mary Steurer. North Dakota Monitor) – Energy Transfer Executive Chairman Kelcy Warren claimed in court testimony he traveled to North Dakota in December 2016 to discuss a settlement with ...
( By: Michael Achterling. North Dakota Monitor) – The North Dakota Senate voted down a bill that would have required the state treasurer to invest 1% of the state treasury in gold and silver bullion.
A property tax bill backed by Gov. Kelly Armstrong received a unanimous do pass recommendation Monday immediately following a Senate committee hearing. House Bill 1176, sponsored by Rep. Mike Nathe, R ...
(KNOX) – A man is in the Grand Forks County Correctional Facility after police were called to an apartment complex on Monday. Grand Forks Police were called to Continental Drive after they received a ...
( By: Jeff Beach. North Dakota Monitor) – The North Dakota Senate defeated a bill that bans state or federal funding for public broadcasting but some senators who voted against the bill still called ...
Grafton was granted a $750,000 loan from the state to replace the control panel and two pumps at the lift station and make ...
The left-leaning think tank, based in Washington, D.C., used 2023 federal and nonprofit data to compare the monthly cost of ...
( By: Jeff Beach. North Dakota Monitor) – The executive director of the North Dakota Republican Party is resigning to become ...
Rep. Dawson Holle, R-Mandan, is part of a dairy farming family in Morton County. He said the farm has the goal of breaking ...
Deanna “Dee” Decimus Holmes was named North Dakota’s Small Business Person of the Year winner.