Event aimed to examine how European support and multilateral cooperation can significantly address urban fragility and long-term stability ...
UN Climate Chief urges countries to submit new climate plans. Learn about the upcoming deadline and the importance of ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets.
UN-Klimachef fordert Staaten auf, neue Klimapläne für 2035 einzureichen. Erfahren Sie hier, welche Fristen gelten und warum Ehrgeiz gefragt ist.
Trump hatte nach einem Treffen mit dem israelischen Ministerpräsidenten Netanjahu gesagt, der vom Gaza-Krieg stark zerstörte Küstenstreifen am Mittelmeer solle in den Besitz der USA übergehen. Trump ...
D’autres pays subissent des crises humanitaires ou des conflits en 2023 Il y a tout juste un an, une guerre entre deux groupes militaires éclatait au Soudan. Le conflit, toujours en cours, a engendré ...
FAO: In flessione a gennaio l’indice di riferimento dei prezzi mondiali dei generi alimentari Le quotazioni internazionali di zucchero e oli vegetali spingono verso il ...
UNRWA arbeitet trotz israelischem Verbots weiter in Gaza und im Westjordanland. Die Versorgung der notleidenden Bevölkerung ...
Acknowledging the uniqueness, longevity and versatility of the bicycle, which has been in use for two centuries, and that it is a simple, affordable, reliable, clean and environmentally fit ...
If the ban on UNRWA is implemented in the next days, it will have multiple consequences and lead to more uncertainties - Marta Lorenzo, UNRWA ...
“Não há alternativa à UNRWA”, afirmava António Guterres a 29 de outubro de 2024, após a decisão do Parlamento israelita de ...
Mentre il mondo ha fatto progressi nella parità di genere e nell’emancipazione delle donne attraverso gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo del Millennio (tra cui la parità di accesso all’istruzione primaria per ...
With over 450 million listeners worldwide, podcasts continue to grow in popularity around the world. At UNRIC, we’re featuring the most comprehensive listing of podcasts, with over 70 series and ...