Being more social by visiting friends, attending parties and going to church may help keep your brain healthy, according to new research.
Skyrmions are nanometer- to micrometer-sized magnetic whirls that exhibit particle-like properties and can be moved efficiently by electrical currents. These properties make skyrmions an excellent ...
A mathematical modeling study suggests that ovarian cancer incidence could be reduced and healthcare savings boosted if women who have already completed their families were offered fallopian tube ...
People with brain bleeds had nearly 7 times higher blood levels of a specific brain protein, called glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), than those who had strokes caused by clots in a study ...
Researchers have witnessed behavior in the wild which could reveal critical clues about how the endangered whale shark reproduces.
A survey of more than 800 people living in Afghanistan carried out since the 2021 withdrawal of U.S. troops from the country, shows high rates of stress, food insecurity, and limited healthcare access ...
Increased use of ventilation and air cleaners, designed to mitigate the spread of viral infections in hospitals, is likely to have unpredictable effects and may cause viral particles to move around ...
A carnation-like nanostructure could someday be used in bandages to promote wound healing. Researchers report that laboratory tests of their nanoflower-coated dressings demonstrate antibiotic, ...
Low levels of traffic-related air pollution harms the liver and may raise the risk of metabolic-associated fatty liver disease, a new study in mice suggests.
A team of scientists has made the first experimental measurements of laser-induced motions of miniature lightsails in the lab.
The UK's peatlands face an uncertain future amid the escalating impacts of climate change. Peatlands are critical ecosystems for carbon storage and biodiversity, containing more carbon than all the ...
In a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis, researchers have taken a deep dive into the effects of cold-water immersion on health and wellbeing. Analyzing data from 11 studies with 3177 ...