The Department of Finance said in a news release that the first phase of Canada's response to unjustified US tariffs on ...
1月20日,特朗普重返白宫第一天,一口气签署了46份总统令。其中宣布国家能源紧急状态、释放美国能源、美国优先贸易政策、保护美国人免受外国对手控制应用程序法案(对 TIKTOK 的适用)等8部总统令对我们有一定的影响。 1月20日,特朗普重返白宫第一天,一口气签署了46份总统令。其中,保护美国免受外国恐怖主义分子和其他国家安全和公共安全威胁、经济合作与发展组织 全球税务协议、重新评估和重新调整美国对 ...
In the past week, the U.S. President Donald Trump topped the headlines. On the first day of his second term, he signed plenty of executive orders. Investors are worrying about his economic policy most ...