Cristiano Ronaldo e Georgina Rodriguez hanno potenziato la loro sicurezza con nuove guardie del corpo, rifugiandosi in una ...
Ana de Armas made a memorable entrance at Louis Vuitton' s anticipated Paris Fashion Week show. The actress was one of the ...
Major League Soccer will celebrate 30 years of history and over three decades it has managed to achieve significant growth ...
这边乔治娜在巴黎大杀四方,那边C罗在沙特带娃不忘隔空撒糖。国际妇女节时,他深情发文:“致敬我生命中的女神们!”(但求生欲极强地改口叫“Gio”而非“妻子”) 网友笑疯:“罗总这是怕老婆太美被抢走?”毕竟,这对CP的日常比偶像剧还甜:从桑拿房戴钻戒自拍 ...