2025年3月20日16:10,诺贝尔经济学奖得主、哥伦比亚大学教授约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨将莅临北京大学光华管理学院,举办以“人工智能信息生态与经济格局”为主题的专题学术讲座。作为信息经济学领域的权威学者,斯蒂格利茨将结合其开创性研究,探讨人工智能技术如 ...
3月12日,在泰国曼谷暹罗百丽宫,人们打扮成《哪吒2》中的角色与电影展板合影。中国动画电影《哪吒之魔童闹海》12日晚在泰国曼谷举行首映活动,并于13日在泰国院线正式上映。不少泰国观众及电影业人士在观影后表示,这部动画电影故事情节生动、特效制作精良,堪 ...
BEIJING, March 14 (Xinhua) -- China's railway network reported a surge in passenger traffic in the first two months of 2025, fueled by the Spring Festival travel season.
(美国商业资讯)-- 冠科生物是一家总部位于美国的全球性合同研究组织(CRO),隶属于JSR生命科学公司以及日本JSR株式会社。该公司已任命顾延先生(John Gu)为其新任首席执行官(CEO)。顾延先生在担任临时首席执行官和首席运营官(COO)期间,展现出了卓越的领导才能。并在数字化战略、业务转型 ...
“March” is named for the Roman god of war, Mars. This was the time of year to resume military campaigns that had been ...
The launch of the English edition of "I Love Mummy, I Love Daddy" and the International Publishing Conference of Original ...
BEIJING, March 12 (Xinhua) -- Beijing will introduce artificial intelligence (AI) courses for primary and secondary school students, in an effort to nurture future-oriented and innovative talent.
Around 90 percent of Bangladeshi respondents have favorable stance on China and their satisfaction is increasing over the past three years, according to a leading local think-tank survey.
A group of 18 low Earth orbit satellites was launched aboard the Long March-8 Y6 carrier rocket from the Hainan commercial ...
NHK's core news program wrapping up the days local and international events. News delivered via satellite from NHK Japan, in Japanese, no subtitles. Watch on SBS WorldWatch at 11pm everyday, also avai ...
Beneath the gentle warmth of the spring sun, nature stirs to life, and the season for admiring flowers is once again upon us.
XICHANG, March 10 (Xinhua) -- China sent a new test satellite for communication technology into space from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in the southwestern Sichuan Province early on Monday. The ...