CNN host and author Fareed Zakaria appears in conversation with Asia Society President & CEO Dr. Kyung-wha Kang, discussing ...
ASHK hosts Francisco J. Sánchez, a partner at Holland & Knight and former US Under Secretary of Commerce for Trade, for an ...
This dinner centers on connecting exceptional AAPI women entrepreneurs and leaders in e-commerce, retail, and ...
Help us gain a better understanding of how our exhibitions and programs enrich our Houston community! Asia Society Texas is ...
How did we arrive at "camera eats first" as a society? Artist Esther M. Choi, curator Iris Moon, and chef and community ...
Oscar-winning filmmaker James Ivory ("Howards End", "Call Me By Your Name") uncovers film shot during a life-changing trip to ...
香港藝術館有幸獲吳冠中兒子吳可雨慷慨捐贈一億港元,特設「吳冠中藝術贊助」專項基金,以推廣吳冠中及相關中國近現代藝術。此展覽為「吳冠中藝術贊助:專題展覽系列」專項基金項目。展覽分兩期展出館藏精選吳冠中水墨和油畫作品,配以藝術家的語錄選段,帶領觀眾以第一 ...
Asia Society Australia is proud to partner with the Australian Government to deliver this exciting new initiative. The goal of Asian Australian Voices is to inject fresh insights and perspectives into ...
Anthony (Tony) Saich is an Honorary Senior Fellow at the Asia Society Policy Institute's Center for China Analysis and Director of the Rajawali Foundation Institute for Asia and Daewoo Professor of ...
Alistair Ritchie shares his perspective on ETSs in Asia, the new Carbon Credit Trading Scheme in India, and how companies should prepare themselves for this new policy.