Our aquatic plant specialist explains the differences between invasive and native milfoils, why native milfoils are important ...
NextCycle Washington advances recycling and reuse projects for a circular economy. The third cohort of teams just started our ...
Sample of vitrified material at the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of River Protection. For the past few decades, the most dangerous radioactive and chemical waste has been and continues to be ...
We are working with an advisory group to research and write Voluntary Clean Water Guidance for Agriculture. This guidance document will be a technical resource for agricultural producers that ...
Use the EIM map or form to search, view, and download environmental monitoring data for air, water, soil, sediment, aquatic animals, and plants. EIM includes focused datasets and search pages for ...
When do you need to secure items in your truck or trailer? Every time you hit the road. Unsecured loads cause over 300 crashes in Washington every year and cause up to 40% of roadside litter — let’s ...
We are seeking feedback on our draft list of priority actions for the next three years to update the water quality standards. We are accepting comments from 12 a.m. on Feb. 25, 2025, until 11:59 p.m.
The Water Supply Availability Committee is a group of experts from various state and federal agencies who meet monthly to discuss conditions affecting Washington’s water supply. According to these ...
Recycling helps reduce pollution, save energy, conserve natural resources, and support local jobs and businesses. Follow these tips to make sure your recycling efforts don't go to waste. Even items ...
We invite you to comment on the proposed rule and documents related to the rulemaking to develop Cosmetic Product Restrictions (Chapter 173-339 WAC).
Water users affected by the Nooksack adjudication recently recieved post cards telling them their claim forms will be arriving later this month.
We manage the Padilla Bay Reserve, which provides research and stewardship opportunities as well as educational classes and professional trainings on a variety of environmental topics. The Breazeale ...