Die goldgelbe Vergilbung der Rebe, eine unter Winzerinnen und Winzern gefürchtete Rebenkrankheit, breitet sich nicht nur in ...
Flavescence dorée, a dreaded grapevine disease among winegrowers, is spreading beyond cultivated vineyards. A joint study by ...
In scenarios where two mirror-image molecules are possible, special catalysts are required to produce only the desired one. A ...
This study presents an enhanced nuclease prime editor (uPEn) that significantly improves gene knock-in and knockout ...
Durch die Nutzbarmachung von Kommunikationssignalen für die Positionsbestimmung und Erdschwerefeldberechnung lassen sich nun ...
The axolotl is a powerful model for understanding regeneration, however, studying the axolotl’s nervous system has been ...
High-Resolution Anisotropic Tomography Reveals Mantle Flow Complexity and Slab-Plume Interactions, Redefining Subduction Zone ...
La flavescenza dorata, una malattia della vite molto temuta dalle viticoltrici e dai viticoltori, si sta diffondendo non solo nei vigneti. Uno studio ...
La flavescence dorée, une maladie de la vigne redoutée par les milieux viticoles, ne progresse pas seulement dans les vignes. Une étude conjointe de ...
A researcher at Osaka Metropolitan University examined the shifts in migration destination determinants of households with ...
Large volumes of data are stored in various types of tables, for example spreadsheets, web tables, or databases. Both ...
Donald Trump bans trans people from the U.S. army. Historian Jacob Bloomfield from the University of Konstanz points out: "Expressions of gender ...