Today the International Rescue Committee (IRC) is proud to announce the appointment of Mona Sutphen and Eduardo Mestre as the ...
Få de senaste nyheterna om RESCUE:s innovativa program runt om i världen och hur du kan stödja människor drabbade av konflikter och katastrofer. Skriv upp dig här!
Signpost är ett av RESCUE:s innovativa projekt som hjälper människor i kris genom att göra viktig information lättillgänglig. Initiativet ger lokala team digitala verktyg och kanaler, som sociala ...
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) has named the latest winners of the Wazoku crowdsourcing challenge which launched in ...
Humanitarian parole offers a pathway to safety for people in crisis and benefits the U.S. Learn more about how it works.
Every dollar you donate to the IRC powers life-saving humanitarian aid, creating a global ripple effect that transforms lives ...
This poem, penned by one of our refugee clients who received support from our immigration team in Charlottesville, serves as a testament to the strength, courage, and unwavering hope that reside ...
The IRC in Richmond is joining forces with offices across the IRC network and local partners to participate in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program this year for the 2025 tax season, ...
The International Rescue Committee’s office in Charlottesville, Virginia was founded in 1998. Over a quarter-century has passed since then, and for most of that time there has been one leader at the ...