Los bosques, pilares de la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición mundial, son el sustento de millones de familias. Proveen alimentos esenciales como frutos, semillas, raíces y carne silvestre ...
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica que aparece cuando el páncreas no produce insulina suficiente o cuando el organismo no utiliza eficazmente la insulina que produce. En 2017, esta enfermedad ...
– Itka Zygmuntowicz (1926–2020), Survivor of Auschwitz Birkenau German Nazi Concentration and Death Camp (1940–1945) RG-50.030*0435, Oral history interview with Itka Zygmuntowicz, (1926-2020).
Energy lies at the core of a double challenge: leaving no one behind and protecting the Planet. And clean energy is crucial to its solution. In a world grappling with climate change, clean energy ...
Preparations for the third United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC3) have wind in their sails. From 14 to 15 January 2025, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) in ...
The world’s political and business elite present in Davos on Wednesday faced an uncompromising address from UN chief António Guterres as he rounded on a lack of multilateral collaboration in an ...
Clean energy is crucial for reaching net zero emissions by 2050 and protecting the climate and our natural world. A just and inclusive energy transition is key to limiting global heating to 1.5 ...
Women and girls continue to face discrimination, gender stereotypes and societal biases dictating their place in society, their roles and their responsibilities.
Countries are eligible to enter or leave the LDC category if they meet the defined inclusion or graduation thresholds of the criteria. The graduation thresholds are set higher than the thresholds ...
Le Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies a adopté sa première résolution, S/RES/1(1946), le 25 janvier 1946, bien avant les modes actuels de distribution de documents en ligne. Au 30 novembre ...
At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly decided to commence intergovernmental negotiations in informal plenary of the Assembly during its sixty-third session, based on proposals by ...