The Commission on the Status of Women’s two-week session will include the following activities: Proposed organization of work. Open meetings are being webcast on UN Web TV.
On International Women’s Day (8 March), that is the bold call for action for all women and girls worldwide. As we mark the 30th year of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the world is ...
Investing in women’s economic empowerment sets a direct path towards gender equality, poverty eradication and inclusive economic growth. Women make enormous contributions to economies, whether in ...
Building upon commitment to the women, peace and security agenda, the Security Council has further considered women, peace and security as a cross-cutting issue in its work and adopted thematic and ...
La 69e session annuelle de la Commission de la condition de la femme (CSW69), qui se tiendra du 10 au 21 mars au siège de l’ONU à New York, est un moment charnière pour les droits des femmes. Le plus ...
The Independent Evaluation, Audit and Investigation Services (IEAIS) provides UN Women management with independent evaluation, internal audit assurance, investigation, and advisory services relating ...
UN Women’s new flagship report uncovers significant gaps for women’s empowerment and puts forth a robust agenda to shift gears. It spotlights inequalities and challenges faced by women and identifies ...
This year marks the 30 th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action – a bold international agreement on women’s rights adopted by governments in 1995 that remains unmatched in ...
Worldwide, women only make 77 cents for every dollar earned by men. As a result, there’s a lifetime of income inequality between men and women and more women are retiring into poverty. This stubborn ...
Any individual, non-governmental organization, group or network may submit communications (complaints/appeals/petitions) to the Commission on the Status of Women ...
#ForAllWomenAndGirls is a rallying call for action on the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Moni Pizani Orsini, UN Women Representative in Mexico, remembers ...