T he Death Stranding 2 Collector's Edition is a whopping $230 USD, and its centerpiece is a 15-inch statue of the Magellan ...
随着期待已久的《死亡搁浅2》(Death Stranding 2)即将发售,官方在新作推出前便开始预热,特别推出了一款引人注目的周边产品——寿屋DHV麦哲伦1/350拼装模型。这款模型的售价定为7000日元,约合343元,并且目前正在热销的预订阶段中,预订者还可享受一定的优惠。
Neil is one of the major highlights of the latest Death Stranding 2 trailer, and not only because he resembles Solid Snake ...
From Death Stranding to Metal Gear Solid, here is a detailed list of the biggest Hideo Kojima games ranked from the best to ...
At the turn of the year, we’ve all been eagerly waiting to hear when Death Stranding 2: On the Beach would be arriving—and now we have our answer: 26 June 2025.
Hideo Kojima has opened up about the casting of Death Stranding 2: On the Beach ’s mysterious new character, Neil, who ...
TechCrunch will be on the ground at SXSW 2025 — the annual tech, music, comedy, and film conference that kicked off Friday in ...
Takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love Issues delivered straight to your door or device If you ask me, Hideo ...
Seeing an actor's face in Death Stranding isn't a surprise anymore – but nobody was expecting to see a face echoing Kojima's ...
Much like its predecessor, Death Stranding 2: On the Beach will be getting an official novelisation, scheduled to release one ...
Control, the 2019 action game by Alan Wake developer Remedy Entertainment, recently received a surprise update over five ...
Kojima explains that during the pandemic, when he was casting for Death Stranding 2, Neil would be an important character ...