MMA Fighting has UFC Fight Pass Invitational 10 results and more for the Rodriguez vs. Hugo jiu-jitsu event from the UFC APEX ...
上周五晚,在美国加州圣伊内斯丘马什娱乐中心,一场由汤姆·勒夫勒的360拳击推广公司举办的拳击赛事,通过UFC Fight Pass向全球直播。这场比赛中,来自加州萨克拉门托的超轻量级新星凯恩·桑多瓦尔,以一场令人血脉喷张的第四回合KO,终结了经验丰富的老将马克·贝尔纳尔德兹的比赛,为他的职业生涯增添了浓墨重彩的一笔。
At UFC Fight Pass Invitational 10, 18-year-old Helena Crevar showed why she’s being deemed a grappling phenom by so many.
The light heavyweight title isn't the only thing on the line at this weekend's UFC 313 match in Las Vegas between Alex ...
Main Event: Felipe Pena vs Craig Jones Location: UFC APEX - Las Vegas, NV Where to Watch: UFC Fight Pass Other Main Card Matches: Anthony Smith vs Glover Teixeira Nicholas Meregali vs Roberto ...