Family dynasties have a stranglehold on Filipino politics — and this week was a reminder that some dynasties at the top are militaristic and fond of violence.
In a statement from the Chinese foreign ministry, the move by the Australian federal government was described as the 'politicisation of economic, trade and technological issues'.
A Bushfire Advice is in place for people in an area bounded by Safety Bay Road, Bell Street, The Esplanade, Parkin Street, William Street, Stokes Street, Seawind Drive, Read Street and Rae Road in ...
A Bushfire Watch and Act is in place for people travelling on North West Coastal Highway in an area south of Overlander Roadhouse and north of Billabong Roadhouse in parts of HAMELIN POOL, COBURN and ...
Federal Labor has agreed to Coalition demands on mandatory minimum jail sentences, paving the way to pass the government's Hate Crimes bill in parliament.