Policymakers can strengthen oversight of entities involved in selling coverage to address fraud and ensure integrity in the ...
People value having a regular primary care clinician. More than eight of 10 (83%) of respondents said they highly prioritize ...
Dual eligibles — that is, people eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid — have a wealth of Medicare options. These ...
Student Research Specialist and Ph.D. Candidate in Health Policy, Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University Taylor Gorak, M.A., is a student research specialist at the ...
M.P.H. Candidate in Health Policy, Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University Leticia Nketiah is an intern in the Office of Governmental Affairs at the Maryland Department ...
To help people afford plans sold in the health insurance marketplaces, the Affordable Care Act (ACA, also sometimes called Obamacare) provides low- and middle-income individuals with premium tax ...
Federal and state policymakers have several options to expand coverage and take action to help reduce medical debt and its ...
Forge consensus on a modern regulatory framework. The Trump administration could encourage the development of a ...
Issue: Efforts to improve the integration of care delivery and financing systems for dual-eligible individuals enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid typically do not address the unique health and ...