Le Conseil de l'UE représente les gouvernements des États membres. C'est là que les ministres et experts nationaux de chaque pays de l'UE se réunissent pour: négocier et adopter la législation de l'UE ...
The Working Party on International Environment Issues prepares EU positions for international negotiations related to environmental and climate change issues. It works in subgroups, which cover ...
Coreper es el acrónimo de "Comité de Representantes Permanentes de los Gobiernos de los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea". Su función y sus distintas formaciones se explican en el artículo 240.1 ...
Pregled glavnih tema o kojima će se raspravljati na sastancima Vijeća EU-a tijekom sljedeća dva tjedna te predstojećih ...
Dispõe ainda de campos de pesquisa adicionais na opção "Pesquisa avançada". Se os documentos solicitados tiverem sido tornados públicos, a lista de resultados contém ligações diretas para o seu ...
Pārskats par galvenajiem tematiem, kurus nākamajās divās nedēļās paredzēts apspriest ES Padomes sanāksmēs, un gaidāmajiem ...
At the end of the meeting (+/- 19.00) - Press conference with Eurogroup President Paschal Donohoe, Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis and ESM Managing Director Pierre Gramegna ( live streaming ).
Folosim cookie-uri pentru a ne asigura că veți avea o experiență cât mai bună de navigare pe site-ul Consiliului. Anumite cookie-uri sunt utilizate pentru a obține statistici agregate referitoare la ...
As we strive for a safer, fairer, and more gender-equal world, International Women's Day on 8 March serves as a timely reminder to keep gender equality at the heart of the global conversation. With t ...
The press briefing ahead of the EU-South Africa summit of 13 March 2025 will take place on Tuesday 11 March 2025 at 11.00. This briefing will be "off the record".
Checking the document number is an additional tool to confirm the validity or invalidity of a document. A decision based only on the information available via such a site can be inaccurate for a ...