El Centro de Respuesta a Incidentes y Emergencias del OIEA desempeña una función vital en la preparación y respuesta para posibles casos de emergencia nuclear o radiológica en todo el mundo.
L’AIEA présente les profils de ses employés pour donner une idée de la variété des parcours professionnels servant sa mission de l’atome pour la paix et le développement et pour encourager les lecteur ...
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After nearly a decade of inactivity, Papua New Guinea’s only radiotherapy machine re-started operations six months ago with support from the IAEA, giving renewed hope to thousands of cancer patients ...
Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi will travel to Ukraine next week for high-level meetings in Kyiv, in which the ongoing efforts of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to help prevent a ...
Tajikistan’s Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Safety and Security Agency has been designated as a new IAEA Collaborating Centre for nuclear security.
Requested by the Government of the Russian Federation, the Operational Safety Review Team (OSART) mission ran from 13 to 30 January. The Team reviewed operational safety in Units 4 and 6 of the ...
DRL as a level used in medical imaging to indicate whether, in routine conditions, the dose to the patient or the amount of radiopharmaceuticals administered in a specified radiological procedure for ...