With the end of the convention in sight, Muse’s managing director, Phil Mayall, Tom Bloxham of Urban Splash, and igloo regeneration’s senior development manager, Insiyah Khushnood gave their final ...
The local authority is opening a final round of consultation on a draft document for Carlisle's 10,000-home Garden Village.
LOOKING DOWN… Former Manchester City Council chief executive Sir Howard Bernstein was remembered and honoured with a toast at Manchester’s MIPIM dinner on the Tuesday night. As the rain bounced down ...
The developer has submitted proposals for an initial 879 homes at the Manchester regeneration project, with Studio Egret West and shedkm teaming up on design.
Bolton Council has taken a more proactive approach to regeneration as it builds up to the town’s most transformational project – Crompton Place.
From data centres in Blackpool to space centres in Newcastle, a panel of Northern leaders set out their investment propositions on the global stage and discussed how the North can work together to ...
Updated plans for a long-controversial hotel proposal between the sporting Old Traffords have been greenlit, while a fresh consent has been granted for Sale’s former magistrates’ court.
Developers Equans Regeneration can press on with 90 apartments at the Liverpool landmark, after the heritage body said it has no objections.
A 400-home neighbourhood at Hazelhurst Farm in Worsley, a site allocated in Greater Manchester’s Places for Everyone development plan, will go to committee for a decision next week.
Sports-led redevelopment has been a key theme of MIPIM, with both Liverpool and Manchester touting stadium projects at the conference.
The food retailer is seeking public opinion ahead of submitting a hybrid planning application for a store off Laffak Road.
The private equity firm acquired the 350,000 sq ft One Hardman Boulevard in Spinningfields in late 2023 and is setting about repositioning it into one of the city’s best office buildings while keeping ...