When Katie Gray was in high school, getting her driver's license was a sacred rite of passage. All she could think about was turning 16, and when she did, she got her license as soon ...
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has confirmed the national shrine status of Our Lady of Martyrs Shrine in Auriesville, New York. The shrine announced the confirmation Jan. 30. T ...
VATICANO (CNS) -- El Papa Francisco ofreció sus condolencias a las familias de las víctimas y a todo EE.UU. tras una colisión mortal en pleno vuelo entre un avión de pasajeros y un ...
(OSV News) -- Mientras los colombianos que fueron deportados de los Estados Unidos el 28 de enero llegaban a su país de origen en vuelos operados por el ejército de Colombia, reverberan las ...
Excommunicated traditionalist Bishop Richard N. Williamson died Jan. 29 in a hospital in Margate, England, at the age of 84 after suffering a brain hemorrhage. The bishop's deat ...