Gail Garbrandt was surprised by the board's action. "Other than the chairman, I'm the only one at the board that has formal ...
Starting May 7, 2023, REAL IDs will be required for air travel within the U.S. and access to federal facilities. Ohio residents can obtain a REAL ID by visiting a BMV location with required ...
Dakota Kincaid pleaded guilty to aggravated vehicular homicide, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and driving under an OVI suspension.
A ground-breaking ceremony was held last week for the Iron 24 townhouse complex on Iron Avenue near Cleveland Clinic Union Hospital. Builders Brothers Construction has completed demolition at the site ...
Bache will replace Vickie Ionno, who is retiring on May 31. Bache has worked for the health department since 2007.
Adoption hours at the shelter are 1 to 4 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and 1 to 7 p.m. Tuesday.
Every dollar raised during the telethon and auction goes toward providing health related assistance to Tuscarawas County's ...
UHRICHSVILLE ‒ A detached garage at 104 S. Lake St. was damaged by a fire early Wednesday morning. When firefighters arrived ...
With the beginning of Lent, many restaurants have specials for Catholics who will be looking for seafood options on Fridays. Here's where to find it.
"This is a peaceful protest. We don’t need to be bullies to get our message across. Neither does America," Izzi Gallagher ...
Multiyear fishing license options include 3-year, 5-year, 10-year and lifetime permits. Find out how much they cost, where to ...
The National Weather Service forecast calls for sunshine and a high of 62 Wednesday ... with snow possible overnight.